In case you are a site owner, a problem could always emerge and it does not automatically need to be associated with the web hosting service. For example, something might go wrong when you update an app or some critical content may be modified or deleted mistakenly. Irrespective of what the essence of the problem might be, you will need to contact the support team and ask them to restore a backup or to assist you in troubleshooting the problem that you are struggling with. How fast they will do it will determine the amount of time that your websites will be unreachable. For particular sites like community portals or online stores, a continued downtime interval too often equals losing users and cash. That’s why, it’s quite important that you use the services of a company that offers not only a good client support service, but also a timely one.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Hosting
With a shared hosting from our company, you can just forget about waiting around for hours on end, or even all day, to obtain an answer to a tech support ticket or an e-mail. Irrespective of when you touch base with us, we’ll assist you within less than 60 minutes with any technical and sales questions you may have. In fact, our real reply time scarcely ever surpasses twenty to thirty minutes. Since we are available night and day, you will always obtain help in a timely fashion and we are aware of precisely how critical that is in the e-world. Soon after you contact us, we will reply to your inquiries. In case you experience any technical issue, we’ll solve it instead of you, or we will give you all the needed information if there is something that you need to do on your end.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers
With a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you can take advantage of our super-fast support service. You’ll obtain an answer to any trouble ticket opened through the web hosting Control Panel or e-mail sent to our tech and customer support team in no more than an hour. The response time is guaranteed and it’s valid irrespective of the issue – technical or billing. Often, it takes much less time to examine and solve a problem. We will provide you with more info if the solution entails something that has to be done on your end. In case you touch base with us during public holidays or weekends, the response time will be absolutely the same and considering that our support staff is working night and day, you’ll get immediate help for practically any billing, general or technical issue no matter what time it is.