When you generate a completely new web site, it’s essential to get the best style for it. Within the TreeCloudHost Site Control Panel you can do that really fast. We’ve got for you a wide range of over 800 one–of–a–kind website web templates accessible for no cost. They’re available with all our cloud hosting accounts and are also totally customizable.
Practically all of our themes are built only for our services and are not presented any place else beyond the Control Panel. Which means the possibilities to discover others using the same theme as you usually are extremely low.
800+ Bonus Layout Themes
Thoroughly customizable. Automatic Installation
To save you time when picking the best appearance for your web site, we’ve developed a range of over 800 bonus layout themes within the TreeCloudHost Control Panel. The styles are built to handle many ideas and desires – you will find designs both for private websites just like blogs or portfolios and enterprise websites or web shops.
Each of our bonus layout themes are obtainable through both TreeCloudHost’s Best Web Applications and also the Easy Web Site Installer. As a result it is possible to install the template you prefer on a completely new site in seconds.
Bonus App Layout Themes
Find bonus layout themes for your next web application
If you are planning to build a Joomla™ site and / or start up a new Wordpress blog, there’s an easy solution available for you. Using our Best Web Applications, you can go with a bonus layout theme when installing your site. The wise system can deploy the template on your behalf and once your web site is online, it will showcase the site template you’ve selected.
The bonus layout themes are not available to simply Joomla™ or WordPress. We’ve got bonus layout themes for Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).
Bonus Site Builder Layout Themes
100+ fully easy to customize bonus layout themes
If you need to build your own website and save money on web site design, it is easy to make the most of our Website Generation Application. It’s a web template–centered website constructor that will require no HTML or CSS practical knowledge on your part, and it’s accessible for 100% free with all of our cloud hosting plans.
The tool has over 100 different styles and designs, which you can totally personalize to your taste. Because these bonus layout themes are built only for the site builder, you can be sure that when you construct your website, it’s going to be unique.